Q: How can I extend the life of my worn and weathered wood deck?
A: When it comes to protecting and extending the life of your worn and weathered wood deck, use Olympic Rescue It! Max Resurfacer & Primer & Sealant as part of this 3-step system to do the job right.
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Step 1
Prep your Wood Surface
Good preparation is the key to any successful project:
First, scrape off old, peeling paint, and take care of any loose, rotting, or damaged boards.
Then thoroughly wash with Olympic Premium Deck Cleaner or Olympic Premium Deck Brightener & Wash to remove dirt, mildew, grease and algae.
Next, power wash on low to moderate pressure to remove all the cleaning product. Let the wood thoroughly dry.
Last, fill cracks or depressions over 1/4-inch.
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Step 2: Part 1
Apply the First Coat
Before you start, check the forecast for the perfect time to complete this project. You’re looking for a few nice, dry days in a row – this means no rain in the forecast. Also, look for a time when temperatures will be between 50 and 90 degrees, both day and night.
Apply the first of two required coats of Rescue It! Max Resurfacer. Be sure to cover throughoutly, including between boards. If you want a smoother appearance, you can lightly backbrush after rolling on the coating.
Check your watch or set an alarm and allow a minimum of 6 hours for the first coat to dry. Drying times will vary depending on weather and the condition of the surface.
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Step 2: Part 2
Apply the Second Coat
Now it’s time to apply the second coat. Check the forecast one more time to ensure there is no rain expected for at least 24 hours after you apply the second coat.
Make sure it’s been at least six hours since you applied the first coat of Rescue It! Max Resurfacer and the surface is completely dry. Then, you’re ready to get started.
Drying time is 48 hours for foot traffic, and an additional 72 hours before replacing any furniture or heavy objects. Drying times will vary depending on weather and the condition of the surface.*
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*Premature use of your deck will cause the coating to fail. Avoid heavy use for 30 days to allow full cure to a hard finish.

Step 3
Maintain your Wood Surface
Once your wood has been resurfaced, you will want to keep it looking great year after year. Along with checking for damaged wood, you should wash the surface once or twice a year with a premium deck cleaner.
Olympic Premium Deck Cleaner is applied at full strength with a deck care sprayer or a plastic pump-style garden sprayer and hose.
Always test a small, hidden area, rinse and let dry before using this product.
Spray the affected area liberally and allow to stand for five to 10 minutes. No scrubbing necessary.
Thoroughly rinse treated surface and surrounding areas with water to neutralize cleaning action.
For wood that was previously stained, dark cedar and redwood, we recommend Olympic Premium Deck Brightener & Wash. It is a gentler cleaner for these more sensitive surfaces.
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Please refer to the Product Label, Technical Data Sheet (TDS) or Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for safety and detailed application instructions.